Starting September 14th 2022 

Teacher Training

with lead tutor Jacqueline Godfrey and teaching faculty

About the course

200hrs Yoga Teacher Training. Uncover the light within you.

This is designed especially for you if you are passionate about yoga, dedicated to your practice and ready to take things to the next level and start the incredible and exhilarating journey of yoga teacher. 

Our 200 hours course is fully immersive, engaging and friendly, with exceptional tutors. We have an in-built mentoring program and tutor platform, giving you time and support to get the most out of your training. Our wish is to empower you to discover new depths within yourself as you explore what it is to be a yogi or yogini.

Whilst this course is created with teachers-to-be in mind, we also very much welcome those students who want to deepen their practice and understanding of yoga. You will still be expected to partake in all aspects of the course, including assessments as this is how you will embed the knowledge rather than through theory.

Our course will provide an inspiring wealth of foundational knowledge as well as skills to teach yoga. We also offer much more which will help set you apart as a skilled and knowledgeable teacher. In addition, we recognize you are on your own unique path (dharma) and there is plenty of scope for deep personal exploration, especially as you will be starting on the path of maintaining a Sadhana Diary from the moment you decide to take this course. Becoming a yoga teacher is a journey. We would love to take that journey with you!


5 day Introductory Intensive - September 14th to 18th 2022  (Weds to Sun inclusive)
These 5 days lay the foundation for the remainder of the course. This is a chance to get to know one another as the Sangha (group) and to start immersing into your practice. The following subjects will be introduced; 

- History and roots of yoga
- Introduction to philosophy
- Plenty of physical practice with focused classes concentrating on different aspects of practice.
- Guidance on setting up your own ongoing Sadhana practice and diary
- Introduction to Sanskrit terminology and sound
- Meditation
- Meet your mentors

The remainder of the course takes place over 8 weekends, one weekend a month as follows;  
2022 DATES
Sat and Sun only from October to March inclusive
October 15th and 16th
November 26th and 27th
December 10th and 11th
January 14th and 15th
February 25th and 26th
March 25th and 26th

Then 3 days for the April and May sessions
April 21st, 22nd and 23rd (3 dates Fri to Sun)
May 19th, 20th and 21st (3 dates Fri to Sun)

NOTE - the final two weekends include the Friday as well.

CONTACT: to apply

Course content

History & Roots of Yoga / Yoga Philosophy: Bhagavad Gita, Upanisad, Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Tantra: Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. 
Asana: Key postural considerations. Modifications. Safety. Contraindiacations
Anatomy for Yoga Teachers.
The Energetic Body (esoteric anatomy): Nadis, chakras, marma points and much more
Meditation: How to incorporate meditation into practice and teaching. 
Pranayama: Key practices of classic pranayama. 
Bandha, Mudra, Drishti: Learn to create a deeper experience for your students with subtle energetic practices.
Introduction to Sanskrit with Sanskrit teacher of 25+ years, Elena Jessup
Vinyasa: The art of Vinyasa Krama as taught by Krishnamacharya. 
Teaching skills and considerations: Holding space, creating an inspiring, nurturing environment, teaching compassionately, considerate assists.
Voice of the Teacher: Cultivating presence and confidence
Planning a yoga class.  
Teaching peers. 
Ethics of Yoga:
 Culture and Diversity. Confidentiality.
Business skills for yoga teachers.


Assessed Work
You will be required to write and submit 6 pieces of written work during the course on topics given during the tutor time. You will submit the work within a month of the work having been set.

As part of your evolution as a yogi during the course you must maintain a Sadhana Diary in the required format, which is to be submitted periodically for checking.
Within this you are to document all asana practices (min 4 per week) minimum one per week which should be at a class taught by another teacher rather than home practice. Class attendances to be signed off by the teacher whose class you attend. Classes do not have to be with Jac but can be at any teacher who's classes you attend.

Teaching Practical Assessment: this is on weekend 7. You will be fully immersed by then into the role of teacher and have had plenty of teaching practice opportunities.  


By the end of the course and upon satisfactory completion of all course material and assessments you will be; 

- competent to teach a multi-layered Level 1 yoga class safely, incorporating asana, progressions of posture, pranayama, some reference to subtle anatomy (the energy body) and to appropriate philosophical teachings, as well as guided relaxation.
- able to offer sensitive and effective assists where appropriate. 
- understand how to conduct yourself professionally and ethically as a yoga teacher.  
- have initial knowledge and skills to begin building a business in yoga. 
- have a deeper understanding of your own journey and uniqueness as a human being and yogi on the path of yoga.


Accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals UK. Provides an insurable yoga teacher training qualification at 200 hours level. You will be able to register and advertise yourself as an RYT200 with Yoga Alliance Professionals UK.


All teacher trainees must complete a detailed intake form which will enable us to assess whether this course is right for you. The course director may need to discuss with you in more detail once your application has been made.

An application is not in itself a guarantee that you will be accepted onto this course. It is recommended that you have a very minimum of two years sustained yoga practice before applying.


In order to receive the qualification, you will need to
- attend at least 90% of the course dates, including the entirety of the initial 5 day immersion
- attend the anatomy module in full
- pass all written assessments (75% pass mark)
- pass the final teaching practical. You will be assessed on a number of elements including:
*Safe and clear, audible verbal instructions
*your modifications & physical assists (if appropriate at the time)
*timing and consistency
*use of breath, meditation or mantra

Should you need to re-sit any modules you will be required to pay an additional fee which will be notified to you. If you need to attend certain modules again, this can only be done the next time the course runs.

If your application is accepted then you will be asked to pay an initial deposit of £500 to secure your place.

Total Course investment £3350 (pre-agreed instalment options are available).

If paying the course investment in full, we offer a discount of £50.


You will be supplied with our course manual several weeks prior to the start of the course.

Essential Reading for home study and written work:

The Heart of Yoga - TKV Desikachar
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Swami Satchitananda
The Bhagavad Gita - Eknath Easwaran
The Upanishads - Eknath Easwaran
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika - translation by Brian Dana Akers
The Yoga Teacher Mentor - Jess Glenny
Meditation for the Love of It - Sally Kempton

200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course Investment

£3350   (instalment options available).  Initial deposit £500

Terms & Conditions

By booking your place on this course you are confirming your ability to attend all face to face dates (online or in person) and complete the course assessment work.

Full course participation and attendance is required to receive the qualification.

If you cancel your place on the 200 hours course our refund policy is as follows:
From 60 days or less prior to start of course and once course has commenced - no refunds are given
more than 60 days clear days prior to the course start date we offer a 50% refund.
Your initial £500 deposit is non-refundable

In the event that we as a yoga school need to cancel the course you will be given a full refund, including your deposit. 
Alternatively you can elect to transfer your investment to future course dates.

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